Monday, February 13, 2012

Conversation With Mom 16

Mommy love,

You would be so proud of daddy's achievement if you were still here. I just wanted to share with you the highlight of our lives these past few days.

Dad's first ever book has finally seen print and the books were sent to our house. Dad entitled the book 'Simfoni Sepi'.

                                            Dad besides the delivered boxes of his books.

Mom, the book is spectacular. What I love most about the book is the poems that dad wrote for you and the dedication that was made out for you. The dedication reads, "Siti Rahey binti Tok Muda Haji Salehuddin. Mummy, isteriku tercinta, ibu kepada anak-anakku Yasleh Khaliff Amri, Yasleh Hani Wati, Yasleh Rita Ayu" (Siti Rahey binti Tok Muda Haji Salehuddin.Mummy, my beloved wife, mother to my children Yasleh Khaliff Amri, Yasleh Hani Wati, Yasleh Rita Ayu)

You are still very much part of our lives Mom. No one can deny how huge an impact you have wrought into our lives. Especially to daddy. Everyone can see how important you were in dad's life.

In the introduction to the book Uncle Johan (Johan Jaaffar) wrote about how daddy was shaped to be the man he is by having you in his life and how important you were in creating the man he is today.

Mom, I am going to share with you the poem dad wrote (which is included in the book) on the 101 day of your passing.

Seratus Satu Hari Sudah Mummy Pergi Meninggalkan Kami

Mummy sayang.
Seratus satu hari sudah
Mummy pergi meninggalkan kami.
Daddy, Abang, Adik, Phil dan Mama Jen
datang hari ini
menziarahi pusara Mummy
menjulang pasrah menatang sayu
memujuk rindu tanpa sendu
walaupun tak terleraikan jua
sembilu pilu yang menghiris qalbu.

Anak-anak kita membersihkan pusara Mummny
dari dakapan daun-daun kering.
Daddy tanamkan sepohon puding
dari keratan benih yang kami ambil
di pusara Abah.

Aduhai Mummy tersayang.
Betapalah ya,
begitu kami melafazkan salam pamitan
bayu pula menggugurkan lagi daun-daun kering
satu, satu, menutup pusaramu
bagaikan dulu
di suatu ketika
dalam suatu detik waktu
bayu meniup rambut menutup wajahmu
di sempadan hari
dan belibis senja resah mencari
pasangannya yang hilang
dalam timbunan daun-daun kering
yang berguguran satu, satu, satu, satu, satu.

Lalu dengan darah dari jari manisku yang luka
ku tuliskan sebuah sajak untukmu Siti Rahey ku tercinta.
Di manakah agaknya
sajak itu kini Mummy sayang?

1038, 12 Feb, 2011
Tanah Perkuburan Pengkalan Balai,
Chenor, Maran, Pahang.

(* Taken from 'Simfoni Sepi' by yassinsalleh page 29-30 with permission from the author.)

Mom, that is one among many of the poems dad wrote for you. Some while you were in the hospital and some after you passed away.

I hope you are proud looking down on dad from wherever you are.

We love you and miss you always.

R.I.P. Mom.

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